Thursday, April 8, 2010

What does it meant to be good in math.

First of all, to be good in math I think that you have to love doing that. If you don't enjoy what you are doing or have no interest in it, how can you do a good at it.

After that.
3 trait that I think are most important for being good in math are
-thinking outside the box
-challenge yourself.

I think that patience is the one of the most important characteristics in math. In math you won't always get right answer right away. You have to be patient and keep trying. You will often get challenging question and you have to keep trying again again. You learn a little bit more each time.

Secondly, I think that in math you have to think outside the box. Sometime with some math questions, you have to be creative in the ways you solve the answer. There are so many different ways to solve something. If you don't think outside the box, you'll get stuck.

Lastly, I think that you must challenge yourself. If you don't challenge yourself in math you will not become better at it. You'll stay at the same level. After you learn something you should try something harder because you will be even better at what you learned before. If you can to the hard question, you can do the easy question.

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